CTV 870k+280k Black Orc

No change

Inducements: Star player Varag Ghoul-Chewer
Shambling Undead CTV 1150k


No change
#9 Gularzob Dorfburster – Serious Injury (NI)
#1 Uram Ratdawner – Seriously Hurt (MNG)
#8 Spite Winter – Seriously Hurt (MNG)
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Undead lined up with zombies expecting an attrition fouling game.
Blodge ghoul didn't last long with Varagg on the rampage.
The remaining team borrowed the greenskin play-book and focused on 3D blitzing gobbos and fouling b'orcs. The boots and the ref were both sharp. But it was worth exchanging zombies for orcs. And nice to see the sneaky git banned for kicking a Mummy.
A ghoul's sacking attempt went okay on dodges, but less well with block dice. 0-1 to the greenskins
Second half
Undead had 10 v 7 and pushed forward fairly fast down a wing, pausing a turn to tickle Varagg (he responded with some deft dodges and a sack attempt!) before strolling in 1-1
The ref blew his whistle and a turn was gone, it was now looking too late for either team to score.
I should have perhaps scored faster - really gone for the win - overall I'll take a draw v's a quality coach such as PeteW.
Thanks for the game, good fun