CTV 1420k Dragons

No change

Legion CTV 1230k+100k


Inducements: 2 part-time assistant coaches, Mercenary Merc Lineman4 1, Mercenary Merc Lineman6 1
#9 Michael Dickson – Serious Injury (NI)
#16 Elijah Qualls – Broken Arm (-PA)
#4 Dorian O'Daniel – Serious Injury (NI)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Turn 1 Kondor ordered Seamus McFamous to blitz but despite the fact that help was available no other players were sent to assist. Seamus was knocked on his tail and knocked out of the game for no reason and the opponent was given free control of a flank. This also allowed them to isolate Dorian O’Daniel resulting in Dorian being injured and Niggled. This horrible opening decision set the tone for the first half and put Legion in a hole to dig out of. Knuckles was sent off before the half was over and so was the Thunder’s designated fouler. The brightest side of the half for Legion was a foul by a rookie lineman that put the Thunder ogre in the KO box.
Legion dominated the rest of the game. Blocking and fouling removed one opponent after another racking up casualties and pleasing the fans. Bullet scored late in the half. The Thunder was only able to field 6 players for the turn 16 try. Scoring should have been almost impossible. As the teams lined up the ref even gave Legion the opportunity to se up a perfect defense. In a fit of hubris Kondor offered no changes. In retrospect this was the error that cost Legion the game. Legion should have pressured to make the 1 turn score more difficult. They failed and the opponent easily secured the win.
Kondor was flustered. If a player had performed this poorly he would be sacked or flogged by now. Actually, he would have been put into a sack and flogged immediately after the game. With a sigh of exasperation the decision was made and Kondor made the trek to dungeon. He delivered himself to the torturers. Hopefully the lesson had been learned and the punishment would not need to be repeated.