CTV 1810k Chaos Dwarf


Inducements: 1 bribe
Necromantic Horror CTV 1500k+300k


No change
Inducements: 1 bribe, 1 temp agency cheerleader, 1 wizard, Star player Bryce 'the Slice' Cambuel
#7 Graveshuffler – Serious Injury (NI)
#8 Shulong Dreadeagle – Serious Injury (NI)
#10 Wyatt Felor – Serious Injury (NI)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Winning the toss, and giving away a wizard as well as a guest appearance from Bryce 'the slice' Cambuel to the Horrors, the Chorfs elected to receive the kickoff in an attempt to minimize Bryce's match time. And minimize they did. Two failed regeneration's from the LOS zombies meant that Bryce would need some luck of his own to stay on the pitch.
Wary of the wizard still in play the Chorfs loosely meandered up the pitch, knocking out a ghoul on the way, until the Horrors decided it was finally time to cast a spell. Fireballing adjacent to the ball carrier resulted in a couple of mediocre knock downs but opened up a sacking opportunity for Spooky Blanket that saw the wolves crowd in to make things difficult. The Chorfs replied with some crowding of their own sending Snoop Dog off into his fan's safe hands. Boo fans... no soup for you! A couple of knock outs and a ball recovery later saw the Chorfs score on turn 8.
The Horrors had a reply for their turn 8, yes indeed, with Bryce finally forced to make an appearance and a hobgoblin on the LOS the kickoff result was a free Bribe for both teams. Le gasp! Poor Wrenchy was visibly sweating as Bryce tried to saw her in half only for the blades to glance off of her ragged uniform and not reveal her perfectly formed hobgoblin bresticles. Wrenchy was promptly stunned next block and then unjustly set upon by the Horrors dirty player. The referee was having none of it and the Horrors saw fit to use their bribe on the dirty player not Bryce before finally finishing with a flourish and vanity passing to the fouling zombie.
The early second half saw a sideline play from the Horrors to try and outrun the Chorfs in an attempt for an equalizer. To the Horrors own horror they were subjected to some more interaction with the crowd, this time from the Chorf fans on the ball carrier, leaving Graveshuffler living up to his name and gaining a niggle. The Chorfs recovered and finished up with some flourish also, vanity passing to their own dirty player who went on to score the second touchdown.
When asked after the match if her LOS performance was why she's such a pro Wrenchy replied,
"Nahh, Itz coz i aint silly enuff to ask Hino where e iz! hehehehehe".
*Thanks for the game mate. Still tricky in places but the dice were with me there.”