CTV 1410k+70k Vampire


Inducements: 1 part-time assistant coach, 1 bloodweiser keg
Skaven CTV 1490k


No change
#6 Gris Quolnaard – Dead (RIP)
#13 Frik Quol – Serious Injury (NI)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
I fouled the legend gutter 5 turns in a row, always breaking armor with the assists and failing to remove (though 1 was a ko he appo'd). I rolled 3,3 on 4 of the 5 fouls at some point, and while I was able to argue the first 3 the 4th did my fouler in.
I let my thrower keep a KO result since I had a Keg and figured 2 likely chances at a 3+ would bring them back, he didn't until turn 8 second half (both rolls 1s).
Also despite 38 armor checks to 26 armor checks I was only able to break armor 17 (45%) times to my opponents 16 (62%) times.
I was able to rush better than my opponent, but that was not enough to equalize the game.
Ultimately despite what the numbers say, my opponent was also a better player and played better today, which lead to the ultimate result, a 2-0 loss. Had I been thinking more clearly I would have likely asked to play with a day of rest from chaos cup, because I could feel my mental fatigue very early in the game. Regardless it was fun, and wish him the best.”