“First half, got punched and punched and punched - felt like every armour and injury roll was coming up 11s - after the third time it began to be a nuisance, and the lizards had run away with the ball by then. Pallbearersen removed one skink though, and all the regens worked (for a change - never at all for this team before, like we were unliving under a terrible curse)
Second half, started badly with the skinks getting into our backfield, but we got the ball out, and the first three blitzes by the skinks failed, before they finally KO'd our mighty ghoul. Dice went our way, after some time when it seemed like AV8+ was impervious. Lesson: don't worry about the dice
Still, Xerus was there to step in and pick the ball up, and stagger his way to the end zone like the cheeky zombie he is. We should have had Jason come over to get the ball, but he hasn't had any SPP for his first four games, why on earth would we start now?
Second half, started badly with the skinks getting into our backfield, but we got the ball out, and the first three blitzes by the skinks failed, before they finally KO'd our mighty ghoul. Dice went our way, after some time when it seemed like AV8+ was impervious. Lesson: don't worry about the dice
Still, Xerus was there to step in and pick the ball up, and stagger his way to the end zone like the cheeky zombie he is. We should have had Jason come over to get the ball, but he hasn't had any SPP for his first four games, why on earth would we start now?
Thanks for the match!”