CTV 1730k DLE2020 - Legionnaires
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DLE2020 - Lost Sons CTV 1640k+90k
No change
Inducements: 1 bloodweiser keg, 2 part-time assistant coaches
#2 Draymond Loud Mouth – Seriously Hurt (MNG)
#11 Adriel Sumon – Serious Injury (NI)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
In the second half the Carcassonne Legionnaires play with the knife between their teeth, (and between the hands: especially of the two professional foulers of the team who removed at least 3 players) but it must be said that the dice of the removals was very favorable to our Legionnaires, a couple of big hits from the Ogre and the Blitzer send two players to sleep immediately. Despite the numerical superiority the Silencieux de l'Isle Muette find a way to take the ball away from a culpably unprotected Brooke Hallgerd (the rest of the team was busy fouling).
Finally when removals become predominant it was easy stall from Legionnaires with the opposite team reduced to 3 players on the pitch.
Despite the losses the Silencieux de l'Isle Muette founded a smart way to develop 2-solution 1TTM opportunity with halfling or side-step catcher in the last turn of 4th drive! But perhaps also due to the limited number of players (and especially rerolls) or the frenzy-player positioning they did not succeed in the feat which perhaps would have been well deserved!
The Carcassone Legionnaires can celebrate but their coach still needs to work a lot on ball protective defensive schemes because next time the removal dice will be not so favorable!
Thanks Thoriin for the game! See you next time!”