“Well, that was fun and exciting – at least for me. I started the game with 8 players on the pitch as the tree (of course) didn’t show up; this is turning into a habit for the guy. So I did the only thing that I though I could do since he had a complete set of Wardancers with Strip Ball tackle… I turned my face from grace into the dirty tricks of the play book and started executing one-turn push-plays. To my great surprise they really worked today! I managed to score no less than three one-turners in the first half! In between I put up my best defence and tried to stop him from scoring, turns out I managed really well since I could retrieve the ball after a mishap with his thrower sitting a little alone and fumbling the ball. I recovered the ball and ran for it. He tried to blitz me, but the failure on the GFI-roll produced the first friendly casualty on a few games for me. His MA10 catcher became Badly Hurt and missed the rest of the game.
Second half saw the entry of the tree, things get more clogged up that way, since one can play more on security and less daring. Second half saw one neatly performed drive from him that resulted in 4-3, with a few turns left I though I’d put the nail in the coffin and secure the 5-3 win with another one-turner. The luck had left me though and a Perfect Defence made the whole thing impossible to perform. I made a go for it and the rest of the half was spend trying to score, which I didn’t.
Second half saw the entry of the tree, things get more clogged up that way, since one can play more on security and less daring. Second half saw one neatly performed drive from him that resulted in 4-3, with a few turns left I though I’d put the nail in the coffin and secure the 5-3 win with another one-turner. The luck had left me though and a Perfect Defence made the whole thing impossible to perform. I made a go for it and the rest of the half was spend trying to score, which I didn’t.