“I would give the team an A, for awesome effort today. Although we rarely managed to succeed with anything important, like blitzing down the opponents ballcarrier, we still managed to pull off a few good plays that led to great situations. For an example of bad luck I take notes that I missed a 3+ dodge for a blitz on the ball carrier four times in a row, quite a few of them even had RR’s on them. Another strike of bad luck was the attempt for a one-turner at my last turn, to secure a 3-2 win. But the 2+, 2+, 2+ GFI proved too much and the elf fell on the line and ended up prone with the ball next to him. Chance of success 58% so I really thought I should be allowed to make that one, turns out my luck was about 52% here so I failed miserably, ONE dice away from a win.
On the other hand I can mention a nice play where I managed to switch side entirely, allowing only one poor zombie with two GFIs to lay a hand on my ball carrier, all other players where spread out of range on the other side of the pitch, no where near my receiver or carrier. Did I mention that I failed a necessary GFI? Story of this game, the many failed GFI’s. I Did however pull off a nice one-turn push-play at the end of the second half, with a huge amount of luck from a quick snap I realized that I had a good chance and I went for it – TD! 2-1 at halftime, so spent the next half unsuccessfully holding of his TD. ”
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On the other hand I can mention a nice play where I managed to switch side entirely, allowing only one poor zombie with two GFIs to lay a hand on my ball carrier, all other players where spread out of range on the other side of the pitch, no where near my receiver or carrier. Did I mention that I failed a necessary GFI? Story of this game, the many failed GFI’s. I Did however pull off a nice one-turn push-play at the end of the second half, with a huge amount of luck from a quick snap I realized that I had a good chance and I went for it – TD! 2-1 at halftime, so spent the next half unsuccessfully holding of his TD.