CTV 1040k+70k Human

No change

Inducements: 1 temp agency cheerleader, Star player Cindy Piewhistle
Skaven CTV 940k+80k


Inducements: Star player Fungus the Loon
#2 Bryce Grenda – Serious Injury (NI)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
The weather today was great for playing Blood Bowl, and before the kickoff the refrees told the Humans they would be under great scrutiny, and the ref would not accept any foul play towards the poor little ratties this half. The Skaven chose to receive the first ball, and started setting up a nice action with a half cage setup. The ball carrier had to make a simple dodge to get in there, but failed as he tripped over the legs of one of the humans.
The heroic catcher of the Humans, who had already tasted touchdown success in a previous match, leaped into action (quite literally) to pick up the ball in a miraculous way, between three defenders. She then dodged out of the way, and was quickly joined by a protective blitzer and a quick lineman. Shortly later, a rush across to the end-zone put the first score on the board. Humans 1, Skaven 0.
The Skaven team then received the ball again, this time managing to keep it alive and relatively well protected. However, a strong block with plenty of support, turned out to be the doom of one of the linemen. Knocked out, they were carried off on a stretcher. This left the protection a bit short, and eventually, the Humans managed to dislodge the ball from the Skaven. Picking up the ball proved a little harder this time, and the Skaven took another go at it.
The Humans had put up a big wall of players though, and eventually the ball carrier was dropped again, scattering the ball into the open. A Human catcher rode in and picked it up, then tried to get within running distance of the end-zone, but tripped over his own feet.
This back and forth went on until halftime, with the Skaven never leaving their own half, and the Humans slowly picking off more Skaven players, knocking them out, and occasionally even injuring them.
Something odd happened though, at halftime, a dog appeared out of nowhere, and dragged off the Skaven coach. A whole new kind of pitch invasion. Half an hour later the coach came back to the game, but the dog was never seen again. Nobody bothered to ask what happened, so the game was just continued as if nothing did.
All knocked out Skaven players returned to the pitch, probably due to the extended halftime. They did fall short a few players that had been injured though, and could only field 9 players.
The Humans managed to set up their receiving end pretty neatly, and with the reduced numbers the Skaven did not manage to slow down the drive along the right side of the pitch. Only a few minutes into the second half, a touchdown was scored, but the Skaven had also lost two more players to blocks and fouls. They had no more healthy Gutter Runners left.
The next drive saw the demotivated Skaven team miss a pass, and after some back and forth again, the Humans managed to squeeze out a third touchdown. The Skaven players already heavily demotivated before this drive, basically gave up and
just stood around the pitch randomly as they waited for this torture to end.
The end signal came quickly after, as the Humans also did not bother to take more risks of injury. The game ended Humans 3 - Skaven 0