CTV 1050k Nurgle


Inducements: 1 bribe
Black Orc CTV 1000k+40k


No change
Inducements: 1 temp agency cheerleader, 1 bribe, 1 part-time assistant coach
#7 Durzum Treewing – Serious Injury (NI)
#12 Dulfish Ghoulslaver – Seriously Hurt (MNG)
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A nasty affair, that looked alright from the get go, but quickly went south. Started on offense and everything seemed to be moving along well until our troll went stupid. On it's own this may not have been an issue, but his positioning was very important to prevent the defense from flooding in on our cage, which they promptly did so. 3-Die block seemed to good to turn up, but in hindsight the cost of losing the tackle-zones wasn't worth it. Attempted to foul a downed warrior, but only managed stuns, and the defense pressed in, further isolating the troll. I made some errors not standing players up at times which could've been helpful. He managed to isolate my guard black orc and foul him out as well. No real moments of hope for us after the troll incident, but it seemed like we may have had a chance preventing their counter score, but again, moved a bit too quickly on the blitz without making other security moves and failed the blitz. Second half lost a black orc on the first block by the opponent. We were too far down in numbers to do much at this point and they were able to surround us and finish the game quite easily. Troll even died, but regenerated luckily.
Tactical Takeaways:
- The troll can be more useful simply being in the way rather than throwing blocks. Only block with the troll if you must and resist the urge to chase removals unless the troll is in a position where him going stupid or failing won't have a large effect. Corner of a cage, too important - don't mess with him.
- Always be aware of how you're going to keep a player nearby the troll so he can act as needed. An isolated troll is as a good dead.
- If there isn't a plan for a downed player stand him up in most cases.”