CTV 1390k+40k Skaven

No change

Inducements: 1 part-time assistant coach, 1 temp agency cheerleader
Black Orc CTV 1440k


No change
#7 Stephen Sable – Seriously Hurt (MNG)
#13 Ratzo Ricotta – Seriously Hurt (MNG)
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1. Rushing to Cage
I had a play in this game where I took probably 6 rushes to get the cage within range to not have to make one or two rushes by my carrier for the score. This was simply foolish. If you know you've outpaced the cage, it is better to have to make 1 or 2 rushes by your carrier at the end rather than 6 rushes. There could be an argument for getting pushed back and losing a square, but the basic principle still stands. I got away with it this time.
2. Sneaky Git Is Dangerous
Another game where the Sneaky Git did quite well. Also he was never caught. Now with Dirty Player I'm going to assume he will be targeted much more, so something to be aware of. Excited to see what Dirty Player does for his effectiveness.
3. Better Kick Off Set Ups Than Previously
I feel like I learned from previous mistakes and was much better suited to handle the Skaven rush of a failed carry because my Black Orcs were spread out. Also There is a formation where I have 3 on the LOS, and another black orc off the LOS but a square wider to give width. The nice thing is that this position allows me to grab the edge man and throw him back to the black orc behind if I get a push. It also still leaves a foul gap available. I also tried to the goblins in front defense to prevent side cages, and I felt it was effective. The opponent went for the blitz on the goblin, and the outside was not an option. He then marked up my goblins quite heavily though, and I wasn't very sure what to do in that instance and was forced to start dodging away. Not so we didn't get side cage rushed, but we also had to roll a lot of dice. I think that formation is better when you know the opponent needs the 2 or 3 turn side cage. Feels too dangerous for the goblins.