CTV 1300k Shambling Undead

No change

Black Orc CTV 1260k+40k


No change
Inducements: 1 part-time assistant coach, 1 temp agency cheerleader
#2 Jaiden Trumper – Serious Injury (NI)
#10 Kayden Rutilus – Dead (RIP)
#13 Lalan Macsen – Seriously Hurt (MNG)
#2 Umog Flingslaver – Seriously Hurt (MNG)
#5 Balagog Lizarddevourer – Seriously Hurt (MNG)
#9 Murbul Frogtree – Seriously Hurt (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
1. Effective Goblin Targeting
Opponent did a good job targeting goblins with his mighty blow blitzer, and they survived for a bit, but couldn't for long. Typically I can do a good job of protecting them, but we started to lose Black Orcs to armor breaks as well. At a certain point you have to start using goblins as cage corners, and it isn't a sustainable plan.
2. Wasted Troll Re-Roll, Do you Actually Need the Re-Roll?
Had a very clear lane to score at one point, and failed a troll stupid check to progress the cage. I thought I needed him there, and he likely would've helped, but as I started moving pieces it became clear that I already had the players I needed to screen off the carrier. Wasted a re-roll on the troll, and ended up failing a rush to shut down the drive.
3. 2-1 Game Set Up Well, but Not Meant to Be
Managed to get the opponent to score early, and had the counter score quite easily as well. My second-half drive, we missed the pick up, but were able to recover well. Everything was going very well, until some unlucky casualties on our end. Typically our plan is to win the attrition game in the scrum, but that was not the case here. Once we were out-manned, it appeared to be over, until the one break-away presented itself and we lost it on the failed rush. Game should've ended in a draw, but opponent played to his outs and managed a wild turn to get the win. We did make one mistake in the closing turns and that was to attempt the goblin throw to sack the carrier. It was so unlikely it would've been much better to have just used the troll to mark players preventing the blitz on the eventual scoring ghoul. ”