CTV 1120k Khorne
No change
Black Orc CTV 1100k+20k
Inducements: 1 part-time assistant coach
#10 Dead Head – Dead (RIP)
#12 Denise Nutts – Serious Injury (NI)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
1. Open Cage Corner
Simple mistake. Got caught up on a troll blitz that I wanted and forgot about the cage corner. Allowed a very easy blitz in with a S4 Block Frenzy. Too Easy.
2. Fouling/Removals Lacking
As is generally the case, removals matter a lot for our team. We just weren't getting them even with the low AVs of the guys we were fouling. Also, no send-offs until we finally got a casualty, which was nice.
3. Opponent Reverses Field
On the turn we were able to get the casualty from the foul, we also had a send off, ending our turn. We weren't able to re-position the team and were left with a largely undefended flank. Perfect world, the Sneaky Git doesn't get caught. We are able to balance up, and we're in a good position. Sadly the player we were fouling really wasn't high enough value to take that high of a risk. Should've just let him be. Hard to ever pass on a SG foul though... No, I'd do it again. ”