CTV 1220k Chaos Chosen

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Shambling Undead CTV 1130k+90k
Jambon CR 1602 (+17) Super Star


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Inducements: 1 part-time assistant coach, Mercenary Merc Zombie Lineman 1
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Most importantly, we block for position, isolating big strength player to sidelines, and frenzy trap minotaur into 1db. It does not work, as pows are found on 1db, but Nuffle also smiles on Undead with minimal skulls. He wanted blood this game.
Inverted Chevron defence much more successful than boat, and the Guard Mummy with Block Mummy an excellent combination. The higher strength Chaos team engages us, but we are able to block out of contact well. Minotaur does not behave itself, rolling double skulls and many Bonehead Fury.
1) Minotaur can blitz with horns to S6! It is right there for reading, but it was not known to me until it was done.
2) Target the softer players with less armour, and more movement. Higher chance of removal of the beastmen, and helps with pitch control. This was done to me and my ghouls in the past.
Thank you air139. I wish better behavious from your Minotaur in future.”