I am not smart with my positioning on set up when receiving. The goblin is left to retrieve the ball, whilst my orcs hold the line. The line collapses, my superior opponent knows how to block well and is smart with the 1DB. The ball carrier is again exposed, and eventually surfed to the crowd.
On defence I never have the position to approach ball. My opponent is a class above and I cannot understand what to do to stop.
My learnings:
1) try best to protect ball inside a cage, connecting to my front line.
2) move players back to protect ball carrier. But does this leave front line exposed to dominance?
I am not smart with my positioning on set up when receiving. The goblin is left to retrieve the ball, whilst my orcs hold the line. The line collapses, my superior opponent knows how to block well and is smart with the 1DB. The ball carrier is again exposed, and eventually surfed to the crowd.
On defence I never have the position to approach ball. My opponent is a class above and I cannot understand what to do to stop.
My learnings:
1) try best to protect ball inside a cage, connecting to my front line.
2) move players back to protect ball carrier. But does this leave front line exposed to dominance?
I do not know. Demoralising loss once again. ”