CTV 1130k Elven Union
Khorne CTV 1020k+100k
No change
Inducements: 1 wandering apothecary
#7 Mirivi Staler – Dead (RIP)
#9 Savathe Donya – Seriously Hurt (MNG)
#17 Edward Dirtystone – Seriously Hurt (MNG)
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Looking from the outside, it looks like an absolute stomp but most of the game I was very short handed. A linelf got ko'd turn 1, by turn 6 I caused a self rip and a self bh on two more linelves. I dodged into another self ko on turn 7, and while I did manage to blaze a score in early, we ended the half 1-0 because I snaked a dodge into an easy score with a blitzer. On the other hand, I played fairly conservatively (jman dodges aside) and went into turn 7 with 5 rerolls, which resulted in the privilege of snaking the dodge. Cheers!
The real culprit was pickup rolls, which failed something like 6 times in a row. Elves are very, very good at capitalizing on failed pickups, so much so that it's often wise to cage the ball before a pickup if you're a bashier team. Stokesy12 predictably committed more to the line and scoring pushes, but I've found in my games against skaven and elves that you get your blocks by forcing them to assault your ball fortress, and as we saw in this game, a weak ball protection can quickly spiral out of control.
There was one drive where I kicked it off the pitch and there was no pickup roll, but Stokesy suffered from khorne's traditional struggle to get everyone in the right place at the right time, and the cage was incomplete.
All in all, all of these touchdowns except the first were various forms of stokesy not QUITE protecting his pickup well enough (has to work eventually right?), rolling really poorly, and me running really fast, then rolling some decent dice and using movement. ”