CTV 890k+80k Chaos Dwarf
Super Star CR 1613 (-5)

No change

Inducements: Star player Fungus the Loon
Underworld Denizens CTV 980k
arazza CR 1527 (+3) Super Star


No change
#8 Tordrek Terrorsoul – Neck Injury (-AG)
#8 Cora Meridan – Serious Injury (NI)
#10 Fernando Grenda – Seriously Hurt (MNG)
#15 Jackson Cavem – Seriously Hurt (MNG)
#15 Jace Custennin – Serious Injury (NI)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
My opponent coaches the Underworld masterfully. He slices off a player at a time, removes them with block or foul, and splits my team.
Although I go on offence first, I am unable to make impact on numbers until after I have been turned over and scored on. Even then, numbers are even for 2nd half.
I tried the Fungus player, and am not sure of him. I am sure I have not used him correctly or to his potential. I will have to look to 'Whirling Devish' in rule book.
In truth, I am fearful of the Underworld, and attempt to score later in drive by giving up a T5 score. I do not think it is greed as such, more cowardice. I could feel myself being outplayed.
T6 I double rush with dwarf (to ensure a snot basing carrier goes down) and fail both, burning two re rolls. T7, I have a smart plan for chain push! My block dice do not go my way to free up players, forcing a dwarf rush.... which fails. It is Blood Bowl. My opponent succeeds series of dodge, pick up, GFIs (39% play) to succeed.
I curse the Nuffle as it happens!
However, despite poor assist calculation, some 1DB do go my way, and we are able to turn ball over in 2nd half to equalise. It is insanity, and in truth my opponent was much better than I and deserved the win.
1) It is better to score, than it is to not score! Stupidity of the highest degree.
2) Keep team together vs Underworld. They will catch and maim the weakest link.
1) Keep dwarves together did meet with better success. It was against the weaker team, but still, a little better.
2) Keep up the chin. Luck had seemed to abandon me in recent games. But this game I cannot complain, and when my luck was received it was at the correct times.
3) The death spiral of this team continues, but we will persevere for learning.
Thank you Coach Arazza, it was a pleasure, I do hope to meet again. ”