CTV 1210k Dark Elf


Inducements: 1 bribe
Orc CTV 1160k+40k
Jambon CR 1707 (-15) Mega-Star


No change
Inducements: 1 bribe, 2 part-time assistant coaches
#11 Mirr Chirp – Dislocated Shoulder (-ST)
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I could gain no traction against the dark elf. I have no understanding of how to provide an interesting game.
My opponent was brilliant in deconstructing all my defences and offences. There was nothing I could do, and was completely outclassed.
1) Better re-roll management. This may have been my downfall, but even then, I was outmatched.
1) Kicking not a good decision from winning kick off. Receiving would have allowed us to get on front foot better with blocks. We were out bashed from he beginning.
2) T1 a bad position. Guard from south should have plugged gap. This would have allowed plain line orcs in middle to be flanked by guard.
3) T1 MB blitzer to blitz away contact on Big. Big then blocks away lino. Yes, we are still based, but at least guard in place.
4) T2 basing full is mistake, Elves can dodge away, create 2db. Rookie mistake. Now was not the correct time. This is the point where we failed to win the game.
5) T5 we do not protect ball well. This is thought necessary to allow quick score. But... Poor block choice leaves us vulnerable, and elves make us pay. MUST PROTECT BALL BETTER.
6) 2nd half is the same. We do not protect ball, and elves do multiple tags to prevent us caging.
Conclusion. Know when to base, and when to follow blocks (and when not to). Protect the ball always, especially with elves and their speed and dodge ability.
My opponent played the dark elves masterfully, and I am in awe of what they are capable of and how he steered to them to a 3 touchdown victory. Much to learn.”