CTV 1090k Dark Elf

No change

Amazon CTV 950k+130k


Inducements: 1 bloodweiser keg, Mercenary Merc Eagle Warrior Linewoman 1
#11 Anhinga – Serious Injury (NI)
#11 Capybara – Neck Injury (-AG)
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My opponent plays them brilliantly. All game we can generate no traction, and are sacked on multiple occasions.
16 turns on offence, many of which we have superior numbers, but we are shut down every single drive. There is a critical error in our offence somewhere, and I am at a loss as to how to be competitive against well coached Dark Elves.
I admire the following from my opponent, the great coach Delfonics:
1. Engages us hard on attack. We have no fighting skills, and poor armour. One single mistake and it is early game over. Pressure was tough to handle.
2. H2T1 has 4x elves in our backfield, pressure on fail ball pick up. Agonising for our attack.
3. Ability to see big plays with dodges, cage dives, and sacks. Incredible.
Nuffle smiles on our dodges, with an astonishing 19 from 25 successful. Still, our positioning is poor, and it is a deserved loss. Even with Nuffle's guidance we are incapable of mounting a challenge.
1) H1T1 I send a piece in for pressure. It is killed. Better to have kept back for defence. Silly error #1.
2) H1T7 I forget to block a witch elf away, allowing free blocks. Silly error #2.
3) H2T2 screen not good. Screen to north, should have placed western most amazon on space lower. Silly error #3, punished, as elves dodge through, and screen ahead.
4) H2T7 a silly half cage which allows sack. Should have had space IN MIDDLE as follows:
Would have been much better. Silly error #4 which cost us the game.
5) OTT6 we blitz with Blocker, then base dodge elf???? should have sent north to screen. As a result we are unprotected, and sacked. Silly error #5 which cost us game... again.
Wake up Jambon. We were asleep at the wheel, played slowly, positioned poorly, and could not turn Nuffle's blessing to any advantage.
Not all losses are due to dices. This one is due to poor play and we can only look inwardly, and learn from the positioning mistakes. Apologies to my opponent for providing a poor game. Good luck to the future. ”