CTV 1240k+20k Human

No change

Inducements: 1 part-time assistant coach
Vampire CTV 1260k


No change
#3 Eberhardt the Just – Dead (RIP)
#3 Quolamin Bruxa – Serious Injury (NI)
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It is our 2nd game against the vampires, and it seems to be another game style entirely. I struggled to keep up with the skills, but it is no excuse.
They teach in chess, not to play to opponents speed. A more experienced player will speed up the play, hoping you fall into the trap of playing fast and making mistakes.
I fell to this trap, playing quickly, poorly, and unable to give my opponent coach spinball a good quality game. For this I apologise.
We are out bashed by the vampires, 50 blocks to 25, and countless removals. Our opponent does well to target our blitzers. Indeed, one is dead at games end. Well played.
1. H1T1 we blitz before putting screen in place. Failed blitz would have been ball sack and early end to game.
2. H1T3 we blitz a thrall and choose 'both down' (instead of pow), but it has block skill. Humiliating.
3. H1T4 we create extra dice rolls and opportunity for failure. Not efficient.
4. Unable to protect ball on offensive drive, and forced into early score. Opponent then demolishes LOS and removes 3 players before 2nd half. Must learn to control, and stall.
5. H1T5 I leave most valuable player isolated. Now blitzed to death. Silly, but deserved.
6. H2T5 we make a 1db... it was not a 2db. We re-roll to double skull. Stupidity of highest order.
7. H2T6 we select hand over instead of pass action... We have made passes before and should know this button.
1) I have never had a list of so many mistakes. It may boil down to rushed play. So lesson one is take time, make good decisions, so a good an interesting game can be enjoyed by both coaches.