CTV 980k Dwarf

No change

Underworld Denizens CTV 960k+20k


No change
Inducements: 1 part-time assistant coach
#5 Abel Cahir – Seriously Hurt (MNG)
#8 Dallas Krishnan – Dead (RIP)
#11 Ryker Kaldar – Head Injury (-AV)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
1. Gutter Runner Cutback
We had them in a position where it felt like we easily should've been able to stop their drive, but it wasn't meant to be. My opponent managed to outmaneuver me on his end of the endzone. The gutter runner had the pace to break down the sideline. Still it seemed like we had the sweepers to deal with him, but we did not. He cutback against our line and was able to pull away just enough to be out of range. Hindsight, we should've taken one more rush by one of the beards to close that gap. Really good example of our opponent playing to outs when the dice were so badly against him.
2. Rush Maddness
We took a lot of rushes this game and luckily weren't penalized for them. In most of the case I felt they were rushes that had to happen: pressure on the ball for a turnover type things. Got very lucky with them. I'd like to think that most were ones that had to happen.
3. Double Surf
Managed to take the sideline and again got very lucky with a string of pushes that led to 2 surfs. The number swing definitely played a part in our offense score. Very fun looking for these and having them work out.
4. Titchy does not cause stacking -1s when dodging. I did not know that. There was a moment at the end where I thought my opponent had cut me off very well. The only saving grace was that the dodges were against a titchy, so 3+, 3+ with a re-roll to tie it up.
5. Too Many Free 2D hits from Positioning
I'm fine with marking up against S1 and S2 players, but at times it felt like my marks weren't great because the many 2D blocks that followed. I need to be more cautious especially when the snotlings can get in to assist so easily.
6. Very Skilled Opponent
Felt like we scraped out a draw here against an opponent much more skilled than us off dice to a large degree. In all likelihood it should've been a win for me, but for his skill getting out of the hole in the first half. ”