“Thanks for the match report. Fun to read and fun to play. The failed hand-off early game was big decisive factor in this game. Good luck with your team and we'll play soon!”
“Game 32: Started in offence and opponent got solid defense. Tried to get through tried a handof double 1 and ball was free. Opponent got three players around the ball. Blitzed a skellie and the ball was free. Pickup double 1. I could chain a skeleton on the ball again but bad planning so could not pick up the ball. Opponent picked up the ball and I could get 1d on the ball but blitzed from the wrong square so 2d uphill. :( Got a couple of 2d uphil om the blitzer with blockrunners and tagged everyone cause oone had any rerolls. Any failed dice now! Opponent still had ball but all I needed was a dodge and 1 gfi and 2d on the ball. But blocked and made me do more blocks due to bad planning and when it was time to dodge. Fail! Last chance some dodges with gutter and 1d on the ball. Fail!
Second half: Defense 1 player short but pouring rain. Managed to go around and be in the way of the ballcarrier and 2 skellies. Skellies tried to make a way but skulls and skulls. Got the ballcarrier down stole the ball and run of and stalled for a turn and score in turn 3. Still down 1 player but deep kick and pouring rain. High kick throw-ra catch on 6 and made a little cage in the middle of their half. Rest of match I desperatly tried to get ballcarrier and it was close at times but every turn some rat left the pitch. Opponent score in turn 8. Oneturn attempt but opponent put guardians on the LOS and no good dice was to much for my team.
Conclusion: I usualy play khemri vs skaven but now the other way around and it was fun. Must say that skaven should win but bad play and team composition was no good. with only 11 players team is very expensive with 4 gutters. Must get up a few linemen and then a fourth gutter. Some skills on the blitzers qould be nice also. :/
However, good opponent and a fair loss!”
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