CTV 1410k Chaos Dwarf


Inducements: 1 bribe
Human CTV 1380k+20k
jimjo CR 1770 (-9) Mega-Star


Inducements: 1 bribe, 1 part-time assistant coach
#1 Dakhumesh – Seriously Hurt (MNG)
#11 Diego Wone – Serious Injury (NI)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
It's better to run (getting an optimized team) than curse the road (complaining about optimized teams).
I complain but I'm pragmatic too, I do both things. I'd like Season Re-Draft but, since it has not been implemented yet after 4 years, I'm forced by the situation to develop my players too.
Don't blame me, blame the lack of Re-Draft. What I do is but a logical consequence of things. I even tried to play Chaos Dwarfs at higher TV, they don't perform as well. I'm not here to waste my precious time playing a game where I'm at a disadvantage just because I face people with super farmed teams. I play only in the Box and my farm is fruit of hard work. Many opponents of mine just pick easy games on Gamefinder, then they activate super high TV in the Box. It's not fair at all. As I told you in game, I like balance in things, not here to lose to inferior coaches just because they have exploited the Gamefinder and farmed their teams by challenging noob coaches (not talking about you, but many opponents I faced and face do that exploit).
That said, I scored the second TD not thanks to a super farmed Bull Centaur, but with a hand off, a cunning chainpush and a rookie Hobgoblin. The ball carrier was a MA 7 Hobgoblin, ok, but the ball was kicked with Kick, so the MA 7 was just needed to balance the deep kick. Nothing super unbalanced. Anyway, if you think that it's easy, feel free to play Chaos Dwarfs with 2 team rrs, you will see that it's not as easy as it may seem.
Ah, and I didn't even talk about the failed Bull Centaur's Blitz on ball carrier Catcher, first rush failure and Badly Hurt Bull Centaur.”