CTV 930k+70k Khorne

No change

Inducements: 1 part-time assistant coach, 1 bloodweiser keg
Khorne CTV 1000k


No change
#5 Gorthor – Dead (RIP)
#9 The Flagellant – Head Injury (-AV)
#10 The Cultist – Dead (RIP)
#8 Skylar Terrel – Neck Injury (-AG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
I have heard that when a team starts as such, some coach like to begin again. I think I would do this if i were not booked into the BBT.
My opponent did confirm that I was being out coached, but I roll a dicing toward their team. It did not feel so much like this, and I still roll more skulls, less pows, and take more casualties.
I am unsure and do not often look to dices, but my opponent was much more experienced, so it is good to take note. Maybe it is timing of the rolls etc. Tempo and timing is always important, and maybe I was lucky there.
In any case, it is another big loss, and I am still unsure what to do, but shall attempt to see what learning there are.
My opponent sets up where I cannot get good blocks. I do like it, and is anti Khorne frenzy. We are forced into attempting 2db, but skulls cause a failure.
Where possible, blocking for 2db into more 2db is best, or blocking with a block player (which we lack).
Perhaps this is just the way of Khorne. I am sure a better player such as my opponent makes it work, but it is beyond me at this stage.
We start the 3rd turn already based, and down on players with 9 vs 11. There are no good options for us, despite our dicing. We are sacked, and the 4th turn starts as 8 vs 11. We risk a 1/9 failure to rush out of blitz range.
These are options I would not normally take, but desperation causes them.
24% of our blocks are 1db. Now, much if this is due to desperation, being down on material. But it is contributing factor to losing. It is a common thing to know to try for 2db. We must sharpen up, and can see the better players such as my opponent do not make these errors.”