CTV 1245k+180k Ogre

No change

Inducements: 1 bribe, Star player Fungus the Loon
Elven Union CTV 1435k


No change
#8 Nina Randar – Seriously Hurt (MNG)
#2 Fageth 'Frenzy' Foami – Broken Arm (-PA)
#15 Liliean 'Bench' Longin – Serious Injury (NI)
#5 Barazet 'Blitz' Barph – Seriously Hurt (MNG)
#4 Onitho 'Oneturn' Olomorn – Seriously Hurt (MNG)
#10 Risar 'LOS' Markahn – Seriously Hurt (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
1) Blitz the ball carrier with the marked Blitzer (3db w/o Tackle but with Block): 2 dodges from the diving tackle Gnoblar and two GFI + another 2+ dodge needed with one dodge and one team re-roll available. If Blitz is successful and the ball scatters in a the tacklezone of the Blitzer the Gnoblar needs two 2+ dodges with re-roll and a 4+ pick up with one team re-roll.
2) Try to blitz the diving tackle Gnoblar with the wrestle catcher (3db) and hope for a POW or both down, then Mark the ball carrier with my diving tackle Blitzer. Two 2+ Dodges and one 2+ GFI needed with a dodge and a team re-roll available. The Gnoblar needs a 4+ dodge (re-rollable) for the score. 75% success.
Both options include the risk to get the Blitzer injured while the Ogre got the Option to score anyway...”