CTV 1000k Chaos Renegade

No change

Skaven CTV 970k+20k


Inducements: 1 part-time assistant coach
#8 Rachel Durgal – Seriously Hurt (MNG)
#9 Gris Akak – Head Injury (-AV)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Ended up scoring with a slow cage - pretty standard. The mino is a mixed bag still - sometimes fun, other times just sits there and rages at life (I empathize so im not mad, sometimes I do the same thing).
I used Artemis' idea of putting the str 5 pieces on the line to make the OTTD harder and it was. There were a few 1 dies that needed to be made. Ended up stopping it even though the gutter eventually got into position.
The biggest issue I had was removal - rats equalled me in removal and then later on removed more than me. Its frustrating when youre hitting with a troll and mino every turn and you get OUT removed, But thats the game we agree to play.
Opp won, grats on deciding not to stall knowing none of my KO rolls were working. Im really tired of fumbbl constantly failing those for me.
I continue the fine tradition of being the only player that fails rushes. I rolled a bunch more this time, so IM okay with it - makes sense even if its still above average.
I think when im down players like this to skaven and theres 4 turns, maybe I just make a cage with the big guys and sit on my side of the field while hoping to run out the clock?
Mino is still fun, love the 3 die blitz. Its when he doesnt get 3 die that my turns end a lot.
Thats about all I have for takeaways though - when the game keeps taking my players away and wont give them back, I just have nothing to work with. ”