CTV 955k Skaven

No change

Ogre CTV 825k+120k


No change
Inducements: 1 Riotous rookie, 1 part-time assistant coach
#9 Fiona Tasdar – Seriously Hurt (MNG)
#21 Sophie Gaynor – Serious Injury (NI)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
First half was a quick rat score. Lots of running about in the back field and laughing at my inability to catch anyone. I dont think I forced the score. But I dont think it would make sense for skaven to stall here and my opp knew this because theyre good. The ogres responded with a score of their own. We used the sideline with some semblance of a cage - snots make terrible cages but you use what you got. I made it 1-1 and the rats responded right back with a score. YIKES.
Second half I received and played a very slow game. I didnt even advance on the first turn after getting the ball. The moment I was in gutter range, I set up like I was going to get sacked and just prayed the ball would bounce next to players and for the most part it did. I took that lesson from playing Artemis vampires - if its unrealistic to stop the ball getting sacked then set up as IF its going to happen.
I did some really dumb ogre things to sneak my way in for a score. A very fortunate crowd throw in went my way and I got my TD to tie the game. No crazy KO result to steal the tie from me.
- 4 ogres with this TV wasnt that bad. I might experiment next season with a 4 ogre team.
- Riotous rookies FTW. I needed the extra bodies.
- One ogre got his 12 points for block. HOORAY.
Great game as always Shook, thats for playing. ”