CTV 990k+50k Black Orc
Super Star CR 1619 (-19)
No change
Inducements: 1 bribe
Goblin CTV 925k+100k
Inducements: 2 bribes
#7 Grogmar Beastfella – Head Injury (-AV)
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First half was a series of goblin blunders. I planned to do a slow move forward, short throw carpert bombing. But when the screen got tagged, I saw an opening and used pogo stick - 3 plus failure. Looked like the opp would score until the same pogo stick made his leap and punch the ball carrier with a single die block. In the first 5 attempted goblin dodges of the game, 4 were 3 plus RR failures. Looking grim but kept smiling and trying to find a way tp make it interesting.
Its a strange blessing indisguise that no one scored. Because I only had a single round of bribes and we ate through both of them.
Second half was crazy. A good deep kick, and when my opp got foul happy, I rushed all my goblins at the backfield. I overwhelmed and it ended up working. Right after I complained about the bomber, he tossed 2 bombs in a row to knock down 8 players the first time and 6 the next. It like he was calling them out.
After being forced to score, dub 6 on the argue to get all the weapons back on argues. This kind of luck almost never happens for me so ill take it when I can get it.
- I am going to try to level the bomber so I can give him accurate. But looking back, IM not sure ill get him again. 4 plus passing is just awful.
- Pogo stick is amazing. He was all over the field.
- I left the troll on an island when I led with him for the cage and he got KOd. I know better, I just need to watch that. Big pieces always need an escort unless theyre trees - and even them sometimes.
Great fun opp, would def play again. ”