CTV 1200k Chaos Dwarf

No change

Nurgle CTV 1160k+40k


No change
Inducements: 2 part-time assistant coaches
#1 Elliott Warne – Serious Injury (NI)
#2 Calvin Marr – Dead (RIP)
#6 Paige Greyfell – Dead (RIP)
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First half I had to kick. I placed my DP off the field for defense and planned to column and snipe as I could with the MB beasty. Not much removal in the first half. I managed to dequester 3 of his players from his main drive. I received a few KOs, nothing substantial. On the last turn, I may have misplayed. I moved the beastman in the back to help support in the scrum instead of sit in the EZ and it opened a lane. A rush was needed after a few blocks, but thats about it.
Second half, my guys just let loose with the murder cannon. We got the ball deep witch was concerning. But, no pick up fail shenanaigans. One of his bull centaurs came after my guys in the backfield and I was able to tarpit it for a while. I found a nice opening on the bottom and made a light screen, eventually driving the ball for a score. We got some late second half removal but with a slow Nurgle team, I wasnt about to test if I could steal and score again with only 3 turns. One Bull is Niggled, and another was killed. I think we killed a dwarf too.
Happy to have the draw. 4-2-0 so far, this is the best I have done with any team in the box and I suspect its because of only 3 bloaters, no big guy, and low TV.
- Welcome to the team Zombie Schoolyb! Recently "raised" off waivers, he will serve as the training partner to Zombie Beanbelly.
- Again, going MB instead of surehands has been a terrific decision. To quote Danny DeVito in its always sunny. "So I started blasting." I picked up another MB goat. I'll use the RR to try to pickup the ball if I need to.
- DP is amazing. I got caught on this one but, even if I dont use it, such a threat. Just sit the player out there and tempt the opp to target him as priority. Kinda cool.
Schoolyb and I play a lot on here and hes alot of fun to talk to as we play. Good times friend. It may have been a murderous day for you, but you still got a draw out of it. And now you get to play some stunties. :) ”