CTV 845k Goblin
No change
Snotling CTV 810k+20k
No change
Inducements: 1 part-time assistant coach
#5 Brianna Padys – Seriously Hurt (MNG)
#8 Blake Bog – Serious Injury (NI)
#9 Reid Sythini – Dead (RIP)
#15 Peter Waste – Seriously Hurt (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
First half was looking good. The ooligan removed both trolls on KOs and injured the pump wagon. I forget what happened to that bomber. The ball and chain wasnt crazy but he did manage to keep himself out of trouble and push my goblin into a key block. It didnt pan out as my opp scored - def a testament to a very good coach to do that without any big guys or secret weapons.
Second half, we played 7s basically - it was I think 7 players to his 9. Maybe 8. But either way, it was a much needed deep kick. I managed to get my goblins down there and gum up his players until the stilty eventually failed a 3 plus dodge. I think this is why for snots I don't like to take their snot positionals - the titchy is just so much better for ball handling and getting away. It came down to the wire on the last turn and I lucked out on FINALLY picking up the ball (on a 5 plus), dodging, and rushing for a score.
- Goblins with 1 RR is tough. But if I keep getting stunty matchups maybe it wont be so bad? lol.
- Removal was on point, including fouling. Ooligan eventually got kicked but he kinda deserved it.
- Bomber was kinda silent. I think he had a key bomb throw early which knocked the other bomber down.
- Ball and Chain may not have killed anything, but it was def a factor. I kept an escort with him, learning from others to do so.
- Pogo shows his value, esp in the end when I needed someone to take out snot assists on blocks.
- I failed every pick up until the very end, when it mattered most. You can look at all the Xs you rolled after, but what matter is getting the result you need at the moment you need it.
Overall happy with a draw. Im no goblin genius or anything, and theyre terrible in general. Opp def knew what they were doing and were a great coach. ”