CTV 1035k+20k Ogre

No change

Inducements: 1 part-time assistant coach
Ogre CTV 1065k


No change
#12 Zoe Dawes – Dead (RIP)
#15 Landon Manien – Head Injury (-AV)
#10 Oliver Vesend – Dead (RIP)
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First half my opp and i spent a few turns shifting sides as he received. Its kind of what I see from experienced coaches where they spend a few turns seeing if some awesome hole is going to open or theyre seeing where the removal is going before they pick a lane. He eventually went to the top of the field with a snoting cage. And it nearly worked. I had a few 1 die blocks on the BC that went nowhere. And just when he tagged my ogres in the backfield and the turn before murdered 3 snots in a row, my runt punter decided to dodge, rush, blitz, murder the blodge snotling. Still with a chance to score after some blocks, my opp snaked a snotling dodge.
As is with deep kicks, its tough for ogres. I havent quite figured out how to really move it down the field. I surrounded the ball while my opp converged on my backfield and went spent a few turns staring at it and trying to his snots. I didnt get my snot removal until the later part of the second hald, whereas it felt like every block form my opp had a def down. But, confirmation bias and all that. It doesnt matter how many Xs you get, it only matter that you get it when you need it. I managed a TTM and it looked like my BC might be free. But my opp blitzed with an ogre and another def down, YIKES. It ended in a draw and came kinda close in the end. I managed a 1 die blitx of my own to knock his BC down so no TTM attempt although I think he was setting up for a hand off after 2 rushes - which was my terrible decision to make - do i make the TTM harder or do I try to hit the snot? Ill have to think on that for next time.
- I need to watch pieces that are down that will provide assists. I missed the blitzing ogre thinking I tagged him.
- Ogre mirror matches are a series of unfortunate events.
- I was svaed by a snake, but my opp was saved by a few key 1 die blocks (2 of them were def downs I think. Luck comes and goes and switches sides. Best not to think about it.
- His build is different than mine as I saved up for block and he went right into guard and BT. But still challenging nonetheless.
Opp played very well, would def play again. ”