“this was a clear draw. i bad played turn 6 of my defensive drive, I won just because i diced my opponent who failed the critical dodge after had correctly protected the ghoul on the ice with his zombies (still i have to figure out how is possible so many zombies close to the ball keeper probably i did something wrong)
concerning mummy pow i tried always to keep the blitzer blessed by the nuffle (so AV11) close to Mummy after APO went, i was hoping to mitigate the effect of MB, and i think it was the case even if armour roll of my opponent was little bit wet (biased on 9 if was one more i would have been in danger with the mummies) thx for the game!”
concerning mummy pow i tried always to keep the blitzer blessed by the nuffle (so AV11) close to Mummy after APO went, i was hoping to mitigate the effect of MB, and i think it was the case even if armour roll of my opponent was little bit wet (biased on 9 if was one more i would have been in danger with the mummies) thx for the game!”