CTV 560k+20k Ogre


Inducements: 1 temp agency cheerleader
Snotling CTV 580k


No change
#1 Emmanuel Asoka – Seriously Hurt (MNG)
#7 Travis Jok – Dead (RIP)
#13 Isaiah Wyrd – Seriously Hurt (MNG)
#3 Cesar Listor – Serious Injury (NI)
#5 Reagan Bourc – Seriously Hurt (MNG)
#11 Aria Vali – Serious Injury (NI)
#13 Brooklyn Stel – Head Injury (-AV)
#15 Titus Gantholion – Seriously Hurt (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
First half had to kick. I got a whopping 1 for swarming. My opp eliminated 2-3 snots before I got a turn. There was a little back and forth with moving and tagging,. snots trying to hit each other - like some kind of outerworldly playground recess. Opp scored pretty easily because I failed everything. First foul, snaked the argue. First troll blitz was a 1. Bomb was successfull and could have taken out the cage, triple 1s on the bomb effect.
I was downt o 11 when the opp scored on their T4, forcing the bombr on the field which was a good decision. At least I picked up the ball. After some cage moving around and his ogre blocks receiving a def down in every vatch of 3 die, I was running out of a team. I had a chance at a 4 plus RR pick up to score I think, snaked, and killed the guy.
I was really looking forward to finally matching Malmir because hes like a fumbbl guru on here. And by the time I get there with all the practice ive been doing, I roll terribly and he rolls, well, like a legend. I tried to keep it a game but, as usual when I meet a legend on here, my dice go down the drain.
- Over 25 percent of my opp bock die are def downs. I think with that stat, I should be glad it wasnt 3-0.
- Snot bombers are still worth it, even if they do nothing. It was a threat and had my opp choosing a lane around him.
- Even in this loss, I didn't miss any of the snotling positionals.
Well, got punched in the teeth. Get back up and try again. ”