CTV 730k Snotling
No change
Inducements: 1 bribe
Snotling CTV 580k+150k
No change
Inducements: 1 Riotous rookie, 1 bloodweiser keg, 1 bribe
#10 Morgan Boliva – Seriously Hurt (MNG)
#15 Adriana Mollye – Serious Injury (NI)
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2 very different builds although both of us leave the snotling positionsals at home. I forgo the wagons. I think with the decent roll on the riotous rookies, it was kind of a wash for the fouling and blocking power the wagons contributed. Since I could deal with the attrition, I dont believe either team has an edge based on build.
First Half Thoughts:
- I positioned the bomber 3 squares to the los because I wanted that initial toss. I thought that if I gave him a screen/half cage kinda of thing hed be safe enough. But the opp just tagged every player and dodged in. So Im still unsure of where to put the bomber to be useful outside of like 1 or 2 turns in the beginning, esp in a snotling mirror match.
- The wagons tarpitted my trolls. But in the same way they kinda of tarpitted one another. If Im really looking at it, 2 trolls kept 2 trolls and a wagon locked up so, good trade.
- Around T5 I did a potato run with the ball. I tried to dodge out a snot to tag the troll and snaked. So, this particular turn I think was handled well, although I dont feel the journey leading up to this turn was handled well.
Second Half Thoughts:
- I feel better about how I handled the defense. I had multiple opportunites to sack the carrier, and did on occasion. But the block dice with a RR came up shirt in the end. I put myself in a position to do that which I feel is successful.
- Bomber never got a chance to do his thing. The kickoff result stunned him. and byt he time he got up he was tagged. By the time I could maybe dodge away with him, he snaked the dodge. What can ya do? Important to note that if my opps bomber is on the ground, I should tag him in the future.
- Even with the kick being deep and multiple times sacking the carrier, he was still able to move the ball downfield. I'll have to really think about this - I rushed the backfield. I tagged his cage like he did with mine. But I compeltely different failure result. Maybe I should have held back and let him come forward a bit? But I figured it put the trolls on an island and I was able to outnumber his snots for an advantage so I went forward. Im not sure - it didnt work out so I did something wrong here.
Overall Impression:
- I was in the game for the entirety of it so, theres progress there. Someone told me you can only place yourself in the best position possible and the dice will do the rest. But I think my failure to keep the snot in its cage is what did me in on my offensive drive. I couldve been forcing my opp to take the same 1 die blocks, but on T5 I broke that - out 3 players and I couldnt rely on a 3 plus bomber dodge to cover me so I dont know that I had a better option there if I wanted to try to score. I could have just pulled back and accepted the no score potentially.
- 3 defender downs in 40 blocks dice is pretty rough. And failing 10/39 2 plus dodges is also up there in terrible. No excuses when it comes to dice - just worth noting what I had to work with so I can discern was it optimal and negative dice, or plain sub optimal. In the same lights its worth noting the opp snaked 2 fouls early in the first.
I probably put a little too much emphasis on analyzing this game because its a snot mirror match with bombs, fouls, stupidity activations, vomits - were tossing so many random events around - its more fo a show than anything. ”