CTV 1145k+70k Ogre

No change

Inducements: 1 bloodweiser keg, 1 part-time assistant coach
Dwarf CTV 1215k


#2 Joel Wayfinder – Dead (RIP)
#11 Francisco Magveil – Seriously Hurt (MNG)
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Hm dwarves with a deathroller. I dont usually see this in the box. Normally, dwarves are a good matchup for ogres but the deatherller kinda levels it out because I'll be not as oggressive due to being afraid of DP +2.
First Half Thoughts:
- I like my et up for this. It was a little conservative, but it gave me enough of a backfield to work with.
- I set myself up for a 2 die block and saved the RR - but the dice did not agree with me. Just leaving this here because this was a right move/wrong dice situation.
- I managed to keep the deathroller down for a few turns and deal wth the rest of the dwarf team. It got out of hand after the failed attempt on the ball carrier on T4-5 because snots don't last long in these games.
- I set up the snots on the line because of the deathroller. If I put 3 ogres up there, theyre most likely on the gruond, and then dead ogre from a foul. This I think was a good decision.
- Opp gave me the sideline blitz with a 4 plus ogre dodge. If it wasn't for that, it would have probably been a score since I was down to 3 players.
- I failed to really find a good use for the snots on defense. I couldnt tag, I used them for fouling the roller, I dunno. I think next time I just column defense with them until they don exist anymore or the ogres can come in. This was failure on my part.
Second Half Thoughts:
- I was down an ogre - poor guy died. So I set 3 on the line diagonal with the thought that after I blocked I wouldnt follow up and Id have that meaty line so my snots could get the ball and catch up. This was ok I think - maybe a little aggressive. I considered just utting a snot in base with the los and ogres on the edge. But the team isnt fast enough to skirt the sides that early so I went with the big blocks in the beginning.
- I was forced to use a snot screen due to some unfortunate die rolls. It was the best I had to move things forward and it eventually worked. But, most coaches will take the 3 plus dodge into the screen and get the 2 die block because of titchy. I could have pulled back, but at that point I think Im just accepting a no score drive so I risked it.
- I dodged through the runner and positioned a snot behind the carrier to force 2 dodges for him in case everything went bad. I based the line dwarf to force a 4 plus dodge. And I tried to get one more snot through. I know I snaked this but looking back I still think this was a good plan. I was going to get the snot through the other players to help screen the 4 plus dodge if it worked. Sadly, all dodges and rushes worked and the ball went loose. Oh bloodbowl, lets keep it interesting.
- After the scores, I left I thnk 3 turns to score. I did a TTM when the opp flubbed a RR pickup. Im still wondering if this was the right move, or if I should have just moved the snots forward, tagged the runners early, and forced dodges and whatnot? I'll have to think on this again - but im leaning toward this was a dumb move.
Overall Thoughts:
Opp is just getting into fumbbl again and last played BB2 so I had experience on my side. Im pretty sure if I play him again, I will not be getting a sideline blitz opportunity.
Overall, lucky to get a win. With the dwarf removal in the first half and my mismanagement of defensive snots, it probably should have been a draw. ”