“Well, this was an interesting game to say the least.
I knew I was in for a tough match when the woodies managed to leap into my cage and knock down my ball carrier on turn 2 of the first half. I had a chance to get the ball back, but my thrower failed to pick up the ball, which luckily for me scattered next to my own players. That didn't help though, as the damn AG 5 wardancer made a perfect leap, picked up the ball in three tacklezones, dodged away and handed off to a catcher, who made it 0-1.
The second drive was more of the same -- the woodies blitzed my thrower, picked up the ball and started on a breakaway with their catcher. My blitzer tackled the catcher down, but the ball remained on the loose. It would have been easy to pick up for the woodies, had their thrower not failed his GFI to get the ball. Snakeeyes on the woodies next turn allowed me to get the ball to my blitzer and run him next to the endzone. I scored on my last turn, which left only one turn for the woodies to equalize. They didn't have a one-turner, so I expected they would try to advance their MA 10 catcher one square with some push backs. I set up with this in mind, but with some luck (including a -2DB block, both pushbacks) they did manage to score their second TD making it 1-2 at halftime.
With the woodies now receiving, thing looked hopeless for my poor orcs. Sure enough, they broke through my defense rather easily and sent their thrower back out of reach of my blitzers. Their next turn was very unlucky however, as their very first action was to dodge a catcher away, who rolled snake eyes and KO'd himself. This gave me the opportunity to blitz the thrower, and score relatively easily on turn 3.
Things were slightly better now, but I knew I would still need some more luck to stop the woodies, even though they had run out of rerolls. Sure enough, their catcher failed a rather easy 3+ dodge with dodge reroll, which left their ball carrier wide open for blitzing. This apparently excited me so much that I got a spontaneous nose bleed, which delayed the game for a quarter of an hour. :)
Anyway, with the bleeding somewhat stopped, I took down the catcher with the ball, but didn't manage to get the ball into safety. Sure enough, the AG 5 wardancer knocked down my blitzer with the ball, but luckily failed the 2+ pick up. This made it easy for me to get the ball again and pass it to my blitzer who was about to go on a breakaway. Except that my useless thrower failed the 3+ pass.
However, the woodies' luck was astonishing, as their first action of the turn -- a 3+ dodge with the dodge reroll -- resulted in a KOd catcher. It was time for my other thrower to go on a breakaway, and as the woodies remained unsuccesful in their dodges he scored rather easily on the last turn of the game.
Don_Jon deserves a lot of credit for taking his bad luck with nothing but good humor as well as for putting up with the rather lengthy break in the middle of the game. Two thumbs up and thanks for the game!”
I knew I was in for a tough match when the woodies managed to leap into my cage and knock down my ball carrier on turn 2 of the first half. I had a chance to get the ball back, but my thrower failed to pick up the ball, which luckily for me scattered next to my own players. That didn't help though, as the damn AG 5 wardancer made a perfect leap, picked up the ball in three tacklezones, dodged away and handed off to a catcher, who made it 0-1.
The second drive was more of the same -- the woodies blitzed my thrower, picked up the ball and started on a breakaway with their catcher. My blitzer tackled the catcher down, but the ball remained on the loose. It would have been easy to pick up for the woodies, had their thrower not failed his GFI to get the ball. Snakeeyes on the woodies next turn allowed me to get the ball to my blitzer and run him next to the endzone. I scored on my last turn, which left only one turn for the woodies to equalize. They didn't have a one-turner, so I expected they would try to advance their MA 10 catcher one square with some push backs. I set up with this in mind, but with some luck (including a -2DB block, both pushbacks) they did manage to score their second TD making it 1-2 at halftime.
With the woodies now receiving, thing looked hopeless for my poor orcs. Sure enough, they broke through my defense rather easily and sent their thrower back out of reach of my blitzers. Their next turn was very unlucky however, as their very first action was to dodge a catcher away, who rolled snake eyes and KO'd himself. This gave me the opportunity to blitz the thrower, and score relatively easily on turn 3.
Things were slightly better now, but I knew I would still need some more luck to stop the woodies, even though they had run out of rerolls. Sure enough, their catcher failed a rather easy 3+ dodge with dodge reroll, which left their ball carrier wide open for blitzing. This apparently excited me so much that I got a spontaneous nose bleed, which delayed the game for a quarter of an hour. :)
Anyway, with the bleeding somewhat stopped, I took down the catcher with the ball, but didn't manage to get the ball into safety. Sure enough, the AG 5 wardancer knocked down my blitzer with the ball, but luckily failed the 2+ pick up. This made it easy for me to get the ball again and pass it to my blitzer who was about to go on a breakaway. Except that my useless thrower failed the 3+ pass.
However, the woodies' luck was astonishing, as their first action of the turn -- a 3+ dodge with the dodge reroll -- resulted in a KOd catcher. It was time for my other thrower to go on a breakaway, and as the woodies remained unsuccesful in their dodges he scored rather easily on the last turn of the game.
Don_Jon deserves a lot of credit for taking his bad luck with nothing but good humor as well as for putting up with the rather lengthy break in the middle of the game. Two thumbs up and thanks for the game!”