CTV 1000k Amazon

No change

Dwarf CTV 980k+20k
Jambon CR 1719 (+15) Mega-Star


Inducements: 1 part-time assistant coach
#7 Alcinoe Heft – Serious Injury (NI)
#8 Deirdre Pryderi – Serious Injury (NI)
#11 Elaine Nucky – Serious Injury (NI)
#4 Gudrun Randar – Seriously Hurt (MNG)
#1 Mad Maegrim – Dead (RIP)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
I have a love-hate relationship with amazons. That is, I love to hate them, in the same way many feel about the bearded dwarf teams.
Like most misdirected hate, it is due to misunderstanding. So I try to understand the amazons better, and have a front row seat to Coach Doc and his play.
In truth, the draw was a result more deserved, and a lucky one at that for us. But the OT format rewards those on the right side of attrition.
So.. what are learnings?
Wow. What magnificent pressure from Amazons on defence.
The sneak players into backfield. One S4 threat, and one lino to tag ball carrier- dodging away from non tackle players.
We then cage up narrow, and are based heavily. What follows is a series of 1db (not a bad team to have to do this with, mind) to escape, burning 2 RR to do so.
In the end we could not make ball safe enough, and burn more re rolls. Better option would have been to accept ball was not safe, and risk another blitz option on our ball carrier with better odds (for us).
Sometimes, when you know you are going to get hit, it is better to chose the hit that is tougher to make.
We find double skull at critical moment. This is not dice. This is result of great Amazon pressure, burning our re rolls. And also taking poor option, resulting in 'easier' sack.
Sometimes, there are no dice. Not mad about this at all, and defnece was solid to stop our score. Bravo.
On our defence... I wonder if I should have based the ball carrier after successful block??? T1 of 2nd half...
Aside from that, we have improved a little on when to base, I think. It is of course easier with superior numbers, and we did not get it right all the time.
One example, was perfect defence, we base, but there is always a nice blitz and reposition good opponents can do. It was found, and we were punished. Careful next time.
We had 2 dice rerolled to sack ball carrier. This is 93% chance, not found. Boo... but pat on the back for us.
In reality, it is due to failed GFI from opposition. Ebb and flow of the odds, praise be to Nuffle.
We jump on the back of the dwarves to carry us to victory here. The way Coach Doc steers the Amazons does inspire us to try them again in the near future.