CTV 1485k Shambling Undead
No change
Halfling CTV 890k+560k
No change
Inducements: Star player Deeproot Strongbranch, Star player Griff Oberwald
#4 Zoo Zoo Appleseed – Seriously Hurt (MNG)
#9 Elliott Luster – Seriously Hurt (MNG)
#12 Taylor Elora – Seriously Hurt (MNG)
#13 Hailey Falcon – Serious Injury (NI)
#14 Chloe Cathwar – Broken Arm (-PA)
#91 Griff Oberwald – Dead (RIP)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
A brutal game, where we are outplayed by the superior Coach Wozzaa from start to finish.
The Southern Wastes dished up another delicacy of Mega Stars to torment us. It leaves us scratching our heads- there is no way to challenge them, especially when in the hands of better coaches.
Still, it is good learning. So let us try to see where we lost this one. I have some thoughts.
This was the inducement package I feared most, and considered firing a zombie over.
Deeproot gives the team overwhelming strength advantage and MB+2 removal ability, whilst Griff cannot be stopped from scoring.
And so it was, Griff scored with ease, Deeproot removed our mummy in T3, and it was downhill from there.
With the game out of reach, we played for attrition. There was still a chance to make most blocks across the season with one of our players.
The team is at maximal expense due to these fighting skills, so we put them to work, and work they did.
So much so, that there became a chance to turn the tables and perhaps eek out a come from behind victory.
But alas, even so, attrition does not make up for lack of coaching skill. Sometimes it can be best to play to variance when facing more experienced coaches or better teams, but not today.
The worst part was that we dared to dream, before it was quickly snuffed out.
We allowed the ball to get sacked whilst stalling, giving Griff a 22% play to sack the ball, which he did.
Terrible error, but not the worst one from the game. I do suppose, in some small way, that is just what Griff does. Asphyxiates games.
Stupidity of the highest order. I set up with an anti 1TT defence. But not a TTM defence...
This is surely where we lost the game, and it left the door open for the 11% play which succeeds.
We could have positioned better to force a tougher landing, and more dodges / tougher dodges out.
We can whinge over Mega Stars, but in truth it was a discrepancy in coaching skill, and out weaknesses were exploited easily by great Coach Wozzaa.
In the end, we learn more from the losses than the wins, and there were some fun moments.
We have had a front row seat to many 1TT and TTM this season, and the Griff surf into reanimated zombie was something special.
Other than that, our brutal and wretched existence in the SWL must continue for one more game, facing more Mega Stars. Hopefully we can learn from our mistakes.