CTV 1110k+50k Orc
No change
Inducements: 1 bloodweiser keg
Necromantic Horror CTV 1160k
#7 Arrgard the Defiler – Dead (RIP)
#9 'Eadslasha – Smashed Knee (-MA)
#10 Avery Klerak – Serious Injury (NI)
#12 Mila Mistweave – Seriously Hurt (MNG)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
As with many matches, tempo and timing were everything. At the beginning, it was severely against the orcs, who brought their goblin armour.
Orc CAS on LOS with opening block, followed by a poor positioned punished by blitzer surfed into RIP, brought the game to 9 vs 13.
At this point, in our pessimistic view, the game was over. However with adversity must come perseverance, and we continued.
So... this is something to be aware of vs necro and similar.
T2 we seek to guard a sideline, scared of the necro speed exploiting it. However, we leave a player two spaces from sideline, ready for surfing.
Solution would be to put player right on the sideline, taking surf option away. OR, allowing sideline to open, then applying pressure to breakthrough.
On the back foot, we had to play to variance, hope that Nuffle would hear prayers.
We make a nice foul, reducing armour to 6 on a wolf, but roll a 4. Lucky no send off, unlucky no fruit from that tree in this game.
The winds of fate started to blow in the opposite direction, with zombie removals in T3 & T4. Meat was back on the menu, boys.
With parity of numbers, we were able to stop the score, but there was still another half to play down on players.
Biggest mistakes to improve from are sideline positioning, and of course mindset. Improve those, and things will be better.
Minor mistake was leaving ball carrier to be based by a dodging, double GFI, S4 Golem with stand firm. Then, a 2nd time, where maybe should have made our own double GFI.
Highlight was our Big Un Beastbug who survived the T16 foul to earn match MVP, and now skills to Block.