“in this game i did two so big errors that probably i should have lost.
The first error i would say which even a rookie could have avoided is to leave my thrower vs 2D blitz in my offensive turn. Totally uncaged. Ridicolous.
The second is a classic example of sloppiness of play , moving pieces without thinking, just to do something.
Simply raising that player on turn 8 allowed a puschain and with a 3+2+2+2+2+2+ sequence a TD which is totally feasible with multi rr.
Simply if I had left that player prone , TD would have been impossible
Thanks for the game but you were unlucky.
Against such a lousy player as I am you should have won this game by 2-0”
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The first error i would say which even a rookie could have avoided is to leave my thrower vs 2D blitz in my offensive turn. Totally uncaged. Ridicolous.
The second is a classic example of sloppiness of play , moving pieces without thinking, just to do something.
Simply raising that player on turn 8 allowed a puschain and with a 3+2+2+2+2+2+ sequence a TD which is totally feasible with multi rr.
Simply if I had left that player prone , TD would have been impossible
Thanks for the game but you were unlucky.
Against such a lousy player as I am you should have won this game by 2-0”