CTV 910k+70k Necromantic Horror
Mega-Star CR 1694 (+11)


Inducements: Mercenary Merc Zombie Lineman 1
Vampire CTV 990k


No change
#7 Talon – Head Injury (-AV)
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Vampires offer many opportunities to make mistakes, and learn from them. Biggest thing to learn is how to protect ball, and contingency for when sacked.
Our poor team was down to just 2 ball carriers, and now down to just one after the CAS on one ghoul (such an insane game).
So, what to learn?
In T2 vamps get 4 dice on ball. It was simple, single gaze, then mark, then S4 blitzer blitz.
So need to learn to use multiple layers, position in awkward spots that block the pathway for vamps even when gazed.
Very lucky to escape this one, but perhaps this is the biggest mistake of game, not seeing the sack through the gaze.
T7 was some pretty good defence from Vamps, and I had to potato. But what was silly was a mis-click on failed GFI (did not use re-roll...).
Anyway, not critical, as it was 46% chance of potato ghoul being sacked thereafter anyway.
Worth looking at that turn again anyway, just to see if there is a better solution.
My opponent also had his own mis-clicks, to even the score.
So... there it is. Biggest mistake was not having quite enough screen against vamps.
I think we can make denser, and more awkward screens, in future.
Also worth noting, if there is the luxury of an alternative ball carrier, keep close by as a semi safety.
When the inevitable sack comes, there is someone who can clean up the mess a little bit, or make a runaway vamp score a bit tougher.
Lucky game, could well have been 0-2 to the vamps.”