CTV 1580k+270k Dwarf
Inducements: 1 bribe, 1 part-time assistant coach, 1 wizard
Orc CTV 1850k
No change
#4 Bradley Reggian – Serious Injury (NI)
#10 Olive Trajan – Smashed Knee (-MA)
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I spent my money on a wizrd that did nothing and a bribe that I ended up not needing. They were good choices at the time?
I'll have to look at when I used the wizard again. I really though I could frog the guy, blitz the big un out of the way, and camp the ball. But the frog failed and the blick was just a push. Wrong use of wizard or hindsight 20/20, not quite sure. I'll have to think on this.
I have not yet found out how to get the defense down with a slow conservative dawrf team like this. I thought at one point I had some columns. BUT a M8 ork was just way too much to handle.
I tried to double down on blocking and fouls. I have MB all over and a DP 2. BUT in 27 AV rolls I broke AV a grand total of 7 times. Ouch.
At one point I moved forward on the top in my second half. I knew the runner was open for maybe a 1 die block. But I think I miscounted the squares for the dwarf lino getting to him. It led to disaster - and to teach me a lessfor that, opp removed 2 dwarves the next turn lol.
Rushes look like I dont know what im doin. But that kind of the team because its super slow. And if im not removing, I have to take chances extending movement.
Much sadness on the loss, was hoping my first brawl would be a win. But at least I made it to the final.
Opp played amazing and built a better team, and deserved the win. ”