CTV 950k+40k Lizardmen
No change
Inducements: 2 part-time assistant coaches
Lizardmen CTV 995k
No change
#8 Charlie Odana – Seriously Hurt (MNG)
#11 Alexander Rogus – Dead (RIP)
#8 Josephine Rhyanon – Broken Arm (-PA)
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First half belonged to my opp. T4 he attempted a hand off to a saurus and it failed. This was right next to my EZ. I blitzed a player to bounce the ball and it bounced back to the Saurus that caught it. 1 more turn I think of stalling and he scored.
Add in a foul and successful argue the call to boot.
I set up with a few turns to score. Opp dialed a blitz. I set up for it so it didn't initially put me in a bind. But 2 failed pick ups later and my opp scooped the ball. I accpeted a 1/89 to tAke down the ball carrier, Opp then killed my skink marking the ball, picked it up, and scored.
Down 0-2, opp gets def shift. I was able to get the ball, control it for a turn after failing the initial pick up, and then score on T4 I think. On the ensuing set up, opp failed a pick up I think or a block. But it put me in good position to get the ball. I needed to clear a skink with a saurus and quad skulled. I think my opp answered with a 1/89 the turn after. And in a series of unfortunate events and a few crowd pushes, plus failed pickups on both sides, I managed to draw with another score.
I usually try to put something I learned. I think my main takeaways is always set up as if theres going to be a blitz. My game would have been far worse if I didnt, remember where yoou players are before moving them around on def shift because we couldnt find a reset, and roll with the bad dice and try to have a good conversation while its happening. I was getting irritated, but I eventually arrived at "everything is happening so why not just have a good conversation while the room's burning". ”