CTV 995k+20k Nurgle
No change
Inducements: 1 part-time assistant coach
Chaos Renegade CTV 1030k
No change
#11 Pertussis – Dislocated Shoulder (-ST)
#5 Allison Furgul – Serious Injury (NI)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
The draw was a reasonable result. Nuffle had a say in the desires of both teams.
So, what can we learn from the game? It was our first outing with Nurgle, and they are not without their flaws.
We had a terrible time with out dodges, with only 1 of 4 coming off in the 3+ range.
However we did make two 4+ dodges which both failed. Perhaps it is a better tactic to leave those zombies on the ground.
The first failed dodge resulted in a casualty. Nuffle has fun, but better decision making required I think.
Due to being on the back foot early on, we make the decision to foul.
This is done without fouling skills, but with zombie, and with assists to bring AV target down to 5.
BUT... where we get it wrong is fouling with cage corner. The resultant send off leaves us exposed, and we are tagged.
An avoidable mistake.
In the 4th turn we had to shift, making an escape from heavy tagging, and attempting to take space.
However, a hand off was involved. We make the hand off AFTER moving all players out of the area.
Really, we should make the hand off first, as if it fails then at least the area is fortified a little more.
We also got in our own way, costing us an additional GFI. Must sharpen up.
We found a 77% chance to score with RR, which did fail. For this we can be happy- there was opportunity, and one with a nice chance.
The attrition caught up with us in the 2nd half, and we started 7 vs 10, and ended up 6 vs 10 by T4.
We applied some pressure, and the 1s rolled in for the Chaos. Failed elf dodges, bone heads, animosity, springing foul appearance on blocks, etc.
Chaotic game, with no major mistakes, but some things to tidy up.”