CTV 970k+180k Lizardmen
Inducements: Star player Jay Ruewlis
Khorne CTV 990k+180k
No change
Inducements: Star player Jay Ruewlis
#1 Melanie Xylano – Seriously Hurt (MNG)
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First half I kod a Saurus and opp scored on T5. This gave me a pretty good amount of turns to try to tie it up or maybe stall for a draw. As for this part of the game, Im pretty happy with how I moved things around and the score was forced. I assume on the other side of the ball, with ray lewis and skins, you maybe dont mind scoring early because you can come back?
The kickoff in the first half sealed my doom. The crowd stunned 3 of my players. I was content to try to move back and stall and hope for a draw with only I think 6 players active on my kickoff I think? I used a crowd push to free the carrier and put him in a cage. It was open on the back but Im either down players or theyre marked form being stunned last turn. On a block, the ball bounced perfectly so the opp coould scoop it for a rush/rush score.
I will note the ball only ever bounced in my opps favor, for the score, for failed pickups (always being caught by one of his players), it was just a mess of things I couldnt control.
Being down 0-2 in the second half, I tried to stretch the field for a pass score. I have to score quick to try to draw at this point. More failed rushes led to a lizardman 3rd and 4th score.
Nothing went right for me. Even the blocks are less than favorable with removal, only breaking AV 7 times in 25 blocks with how this team is designed, esp since a lot of that is a CL/MB piece.
Opp played a great game and took maximum advantage of my pee wee football team floundering on the pitch with all the failure in the world, as only the chaos cup champion should. I was really hoping I could showcase something of my coaching progress in this match - but - not today. Just kind of wasnt allowed to do anything important successfully. ”