“Well, this game truly sucked.
To start matters off, SerXes decides to hire a wizard and a star before the game...Nobbla Blackwort. Well, whatever, I still would have played and this frankly made it a more fair match so I didn't really mind. But a more upstanding opponent would have announced this before joining the game.
I start by receiving the ball, spend 2 turns gaining position, then all I need is a push with a 4 dice block, (80 in 81 chance) and I can score with no further rolls. Of course this fails. Not too big of a deal, I still have a salvageable position...but then I misclick and end my catcher's turn by accident! Okay, still not horrible...I cover things up a bit...but this means more rolls on the next turn than I would like to see. Next turn rolls around I make two 2 die blocks successfully, so all I need is two 35-36 dodges, then a quick pass and catch with 1 reroll to spare and I will score.
Of course the first dodge fails and the ball goes loose. Bottom line, the Marauders score at the end of the half and I am left with 5 or 6 elves (and no wardancers) for the rest of the game as blocking and chainsawing take their toll. A failed apoth to boot. I later misclick again and reroll a successful block which would have pushed the ball carrier into the stands, resulting in a skull instead.
Whatever, I deserve to lose when I play like that. But the dice were certainly a kick in the ass to make things worse.
Thanks for the game SerXes...not saying you didn't deserve the win, but it should certainly not have been so easy!
edit: Oh yes, and my only two good linemen got niggled. My only guard and a +St. Great. ”
To start matters off, SerXes decides to hire a wizard and a star before the game...Nobbla Blackwort. Well, whatever, I still would have played and this frankly made it a more fair match so I didn't really mind. But a more upstanding opponent would have announced this before joining the game.
I start by receiving the ball, spend 2 turns gaining position, then all I need is a push with a 4 dice block, (80 in 81 chance) and I can score with no further rolls. Of course this fails. Not too big of a deal, I still have a salvageable position...but then I misclick and end my catcher's turn by accident! Okay, still not horrible...I cover things up a bit...but this means more rolls on the next turn than I would like to see. Next turn rolls around I make two 2 die blocks successfully, so all I need is two 35-36 dodges, then a quick pass and catch with 1 reroll to spare and I will score.
Of course the first dodge fails and the ball goes loose. Bottom line, the Marauders score at the end of the half and I am left with 5 or 6 elves (and no wardancers) for the rest of the game as blocking and chainsawing take their toll. A failed apoth to boot. I later misclick again and reroll a successful block which would have pushed the ball carrier into the stands, resulting in a skull instead.
Whatever, I deserve to lose when I play like that. But the dice were certainly a kick in the ass to make things worse.
Thanks for the game SerXes...not saying you didn't deserve the win, but it should certainly not have been so easy!
edit: Oh yes, and my only two good linemen got niggled. My only guard and a +St. Great.