“So Dig Dug are officialy the oldest Dwarf team on FUMBBL. A strange game in many ways. With Dig Dug fans celebrating from the start over the record breaking run, it took on a rather light hearted feel. Gimli seems to be mourning the loss of Telchar; he has niggled both games since the old Longbeard's retiral. Dwarven Hate have a marvelous record of 10 wins from 10 games, however we felt that we could be the first to spoil the party. Had Gimli turned up we would certainly have scored, and i think we could have won, but only time, and a rematch, will tell!
Dwarven Hate started with the big Minotaur injuring himself on Gofur's fist. Both coaches seemed to appreciate the humour in the situation; It's not often a Mino fails a triple dice block in his favour. With the help of a wizard they made space to run with the Bull Centaurs and, after fouling out the remaining Runner, they finally went over in the 6th. With 3 turns remaining a small wager of some fruit was placed on Dig Dug equalising before the break. mUst was adamant that a team with no Runners was hardly going to score in 3 turns against a side that had only conceded 4 TD's in their 10 game history. Only a failed GFI on the final square proved him right..... and how cruel those dice can be. He will think twice before making such bold statements in the future. So will I, maybe.....=)
On to the second half where we were receiving and had the chance to pull back the defecit. We still had no Runners but hey, who needs em? We did. A 5 turn riot put paid to any chances we had of scoring, and with that the game. There were three crucial points that swung this game: a) Gimli's niggle b) the failed GFI on the final turn of the first half, and c) the 5 turn riot at the start of the second. The first two require only a 2+ roll, so you can understand our discontent at the result.
So not the result the fans were looking for in this landmark game, but certainly not a bad one considering the events that unfolded. I apparently owe mUst a banana and an orange for the wager in the first half, but i forgot to write down his address. I've just mailed it to : mUst, Denmark. I really hope it gets there =)
Player of the game: Gofur thumped the Minotaur in the first turn, and for the amusement that gave both coaches, he gets the acolade.
edit: yeah, but that doesn't sound so good does it? xD”
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edit : HAHAHHAHA true that”