“This was never even close to being a fair game. The caps were VERY useful (in particular the +ag drugs on the Marquis and Buzzing on Hammersmith...) and after a few of the Skaven key players got BHd and KOd it was all over. To add insult to injury the Orcs got perfect defenses and Blitzes...silly stuff. Even so, no permanent injuries were sustained and the rats should be on their way to recovery. The Marquis (+AG, +MA, Leap blitzer) continues to impress and surprise... Evil rumor has it that the Marquis is really a War Dancer in disguise. What a disgrace! The Marquis is nothing if not an Orc's Orc... :)
Thnx Abraniel! You used the few players you had to the max. Well done. ”
Thnx Abraniel! You used the few players you had to the max. Well done. ”