“Of course I'm an 8th turn fouler -- I'm Dark Elves! And besides, a Goblin Cheater team isn't going to win any points in the sympathy department. It was a fun game though -- full of me running madly away from your chainsaws and fanatics and mad bomb-tossing. Made me want to play a Cheater team myself.
All in all, 8th turn fouls or not, it was a fun game and I'd be glad to do it again. Thanks.”
“Nice game, signed by the earlier ejection of our kicker and by bombs turning against us.
The chainsaws did their job.
The fanatics could cause just 1 injury before the referee ejected them.
Only one thing ruined the game, my foe is an 8th turn fauler..... :(
Nice game.... ”
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All in all, 8th turn fouls or not, it was a fun game and I'd be glad to do it again. Thanks.”