#7 John Surly – Dead (RIP) #8 David exHumed – Broken Ribs (MNG)
“Yes, early casualaties and a failed apoth...Arthur Sharpenedhorner failing to take down the ball carrier two different times with 4 dice blocks or simply failing his leaps, opponent blitzing on the kick off... this put us down 3-1 in a hurry. I recall the luck reading 37% - 67% somewhere in the midst of all that, and it felt pretty accurate for once.
We had a strong second half though, and freed up the ball a couple times for a comeback. Threatened to go up 4-3 at the end, but couldn't quite get there...
This was indeed the final game for these brave elves. It was quite fitting to play the Heartstabbers, as it is a knife to the heart to finally give up on my favorite team.
Rest in Peace boys!”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Or they should quit while they are ahead. :P
Well played game. More luck for me.
Had more players and 3-1 when he turned the game around on me.”